Full Amazon Consultants Service Case Study - NO LABEL

"Consultancy Worx is The Amazon Agency"

NO LABEL FITNESS - Amazon Agency Case Study

NO LABEL subscribe to our Amazon full-service account management and take a very hands-off approach fully trusting us with the Amazon account.

Dan Woodbridge is the director and shareholder of the company and had the vision to launch a UK-based triathlon and swimming accessories company after spotting a little gap in the market.

A fitness enthusiast and friend of some professional athletes and team GB triathletes he decided that behemoths like SPEEDO, ZOGGS & FINIS could do with some healthy competition within the water-sports categories on Amazon.

He quickly put together a catalogue of products and then imported them into the UK.

Though Dan had no real background in e-commerce or selling on Amazon he contacted the Consultancy Worx founder for his expertise.

Discussed at length were the obstacles as well as opportunities for the brand to succeed on Amazon.co.uk. Going up against the biggest names in the business was not going to be easy and would take time, patience and a lot of testing to get the name "NO LABEL" out there.
Consultancy Worx - Professional Amazon account management and optimisation services
NO LABEL was coming from a standing start, no one had ever heard of them let alone trusted them.

This was going to be a long process of the buying cycle. Awareness, consideration, intent, purchase and repeat purchase.

Going up against some of the biggest names in the business was always going to be an uphill struggle, their competition are global companies with very deep pockets and a huge network of sellers across the world.

Amazon is known best for affordable products at amazing prices, so, positioning a high-priced new branded swimming catalogue might just be our biggest challenge yet.

The sports and outdoors category is notorious for sucking in new sellers and spitting them out in a matter of weeks, definitely one of the most competitive categories outside of health supplements.

We knew that the build quality of the products was fantastic and we just needed some reviews from our customers to show just how happy they were with their purchase.

Buying traffic initially was very expensive as I'm sure you can imagine the larger brands have the category locked down. Commanding any new sellers to pay a premium to list their products alongside.

Additionally, there are many Chinese, extremely low-priced sellers within this category, so we knew it was going to be tough and take time.

Consultancy Worx - Amazon Seller Central PPC Agency UK
Working closely with Dan we knew there was a trademark, and with this we knew exactly what to do, we have several in-house SOPs that we immediately action when taking on new clients as sometimes these processes can take time from Amazon's side.

We contacted brand registry, submitted the trademarks and quickly gained access to the advantages of being part of the brand registry team;
1) A+ content
2) Brand story module
3) PPC brand targeting
4) Video targeting ads
5) Amazon experiments + more (but that's for another article)

Once we had access to this we could tell the 'brand story' and connect NO LABEL to our team GB-sponsored triathlon athletes.

We knew that with this we would gain some credibility within this community and beyond.

Creating eye-catching 'hero-images' of the products and their unique designs and colourings was easy, this set-up the brand to stick out from the noise of the boring cheap Chinese products and made NO LABEL stand proudly next to the household names that we have all grown up with.

We used customer quotes in our bullet points and sales copy, took a deep dive into the specifics of the products to tell our customers that we knew exactly what they wanted and had made it for them and all they needed to do was click the 'buy it now' button.

As well as great copy, great images, a brand story, and A+ content we also suggested that the team at NO LABEL FITNESS make some Amazon-specific videos. We could then add these product videos to the product display pages and also use them as marketing assets for their video ads.

For each new product, we enrolled them into the vine programme and submitted the maximum number of reviews we could get, after all, we were up against companies that had thousands of reviews. This strategy alongside a robust amazon advertising strategy has worked for us previously.

When the reviews came in, this gave our products the boost in BSR (best seller rank) that they needed and then Amazon advertising began to 'do its thang'.

NO LABEL FITNESS now has everything they needed for what we hoped would be a nudge in the right direction towards success. Our amazon advertising consultants knew what they now had to do and began to implement our PPC advertising success blueprint.

UK Amazon Advertising Consultants

At Consultancy Worx we are blessed to have some of what we believe to be the smartest minds in the Amazon advertising space. They began their keyword research by looking at competitors and using our in-house software to find the correct keywords that we know would convert. We matched up this keyword data with the data on the front-end product display page listings we had built and then began to build out the campaigns using both positive and negative targeting to curtail any wasted ad spend or vampire keywords.

We built a robust set of sponsored products keyword targeting campaigns, and product targeting campaigns using competitor ASINs and we also leveraged automatic campaigns as well as sponsored brands and sponsored videos.

Lots of tension and sweaty brows later our success strategy that was discussed on our initial call was beginning to take shape, it wasn't immediate and took a few months while Amazon customers began to get familiar with our brand but we could see the wheels turning and that was the indication we needed to implement another one of the strategies we call "opening up the taps".

Amazingly "Amazon Choice" badges started to appear on their products and even a couple of "#1 best seller" badges, we were elated! To be out selling Speedo, Maru, Zoggs, HUUB etc on Amazon was even bigger than we could imagine.

Consultancy Worx - Amazon Agency Near Me

It turned out that our winning product display pages aided with new customer conversions was helping to bring the average cost per click down significantly.

This meant the ACOS% was decreasing and profitability starting to increase.

Month on month we continue to gain market share and are well on target to achieve £1m+ in revenue just on the Amazon.co.uk platform.

The plan is to continue to work together for the foreseeable and begin to test additional markets, and maybe even over earth pond in the USA. We are beginning to make plans for this and can't wait for the next chapter in the NO LABELS book of Amazon's success.

We have loved every day working with Dan and his team and will work towards achieving even more in the future of NO LABEL FITNESS.

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