by Ayan Masood November 14, 2022 6 min read

Christmas is a time when many people do their shopping online, Amazon receives a HUGE spike in traffic and if you are an Amazon seller, now is the time to ensure your PPC campaigns are optimized for maximum profits!

This blog post will discuss seven of the best Amazon PPC strategies for making the most out of this Christmas traffic.

Implementing these strategies will help you increase your sales and maximize profits during this busy season!

What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is a form of advertising that allows sellers to bid on keywords to have their products displayed when people search for those terms.

PPC can be a very effective way to drive traffic to your Amazon listing, and it's important to make the most out of the Christmas shopping season by using by setting up your Amazon advertising campaigns for optimal exposure.

Why Is PPC Important for Christmas Sales?

Christmas is one of the busiest shopping times online when people shop, and Amazon is one of the most popular destinations for online shoppers. Many brands begin advertising for Christmas October.

Here is a reason that makes PPC campaigns essential for sellers during Christmas:

  • People are shopping more during Christmas
  • There is more competition for keywords
  • You can target specific keywords related to Christmas
  • PPC can help you get your product in front of potential customers

Your Amazon PPC Advertising strategy can be a very effective way to drive traffic to your Amazon listings during this period.

Implementing all the advertising real estate available to you will help to ensure your listings will get additional eyes on them while there is an increase in online traffic and will give you an advantage over your competitors.

Within the Amazon advertising dashboard, we have three main types of campaigns we can select;

  1. Sponsored Products
  2. Sponsored Brands
  3. Sponsored Display

Now that we've gone over why PPC is important for Christmas sales, let's look at some tips on making the most out of your PPC campaigns during the holiday season.

7 Amazon PPC Strategies

There are all kinds of strategies out there for Amazon PPC. But with Christmas just around the corner, it's important to focus on strategies to help you make the most out of the holiday traffic.

Here are 7 Amazon PPC strategies that will help you get the most out of your Christmas traffic:

  1. Go for Interest Targeting.
  2. A/B Test Multiple Ads.
  3. Create A Diversified Bidding Strategy.
  4. Choose the Right Keywords.
  5. Optimize Product Listing.
  6. Leverage Brand Video Ads.
  7. Build Similar Product Ad Groups.

Let's take a closer look at each of these strategies:

1. Go for Interest Targeting - Sponsored Display

One of the best ways to ensure your ads are seen by people interested in what you're selling is to target them by interest.

You can target several different interests, and you can even create custom audiences based on interests.

For example, if you're selling Christmas decorations, you could target people interested in Christmas, holiday decorating, or even specific Christmas decorations.

Here is an excerpt taken from Amazon's Display advertising page;


In-market audiences allow you to engage audiences who are “in the aisle” and have been recently shopping for products in a given category. To capture share-of-mind, you can reach audiences in the same category as your advertised products to drive consideration, as well as try out entirely new segments to help drive product awareness.

Lifestyle Targeting:

Positioned for awareness campaigns, these audiences reflect a variety of aggregated shopping and viewing behaviours, including shopping on Amazon, browsing on IMDb, streaming on Prime Video or streaming on Twitch. These behaviours reflect shared preferences and map to lifestyle segments such as “foodies”, “sports enthusiasts”, “tech enthusiasts” and more.

Interests Targeting:

Interest-based audiences allow you to help raise awareness with prospective customers based on what they frequently browse and buy. Examples of these audiences include “interested in Canadian history” and “interested in interior design”.

Life events Targeting:

Life events audiences give you the opportunity to drive awareness and consideration for relevant products based around life moments, such as “travelling soon” for shoppers going on vacation.


2. A/B Test Multiple Ads

It's important to test different ads to see which ones perform the best. This is especially true during the holidays when there is an influx of traffic, and you want to ensure as many people see your ads as possible.

Try testing different headlines, images, calls to action, and even the overall message of your ad.

Once you see a clear winner, double down on the advertising budget and allow Amazon to bring you more traffic.

3. Create A Diversified Bidding & Advertising Strategy

Bidding can be tricky, especially during the holidays when competition is high and CPCs are at an all-time high.

Calculating your break-even bids is very important and then applying this across your platform will help you to achieve the ACOS/ROAS you want.

One way to bid effectively is to create a diversified bidding strategy. This means bidding on a variety of different keywords, broad, phrase and exact match, and targeting a variety of different audiences using all the Amazon advertising options available.

4. Add The Right Keywords

Keywords relevancy is super important here, ensure that your listings are optimised for the keywords you are adding to your campaigns.

Adding hyper-targeting relevant keywords to your ads is the way you will 'win' and it's especially important during the increased traffic surrounding the festive holidays.

People are searching for various things during the holidays, so you want to ensure as many people see your ads as possible.

Try adding holiday-related keywords, such as "Christmas gifts," "Christmas presents," or even "gift ideas."

5. Optimize Product Listings and Include Your Hero Keywords in the Backend Search Terms 

Your product listing is one of the most important aspects of your Amazon PPC campaign. People will see this when they search for your product, so it's important to ensure it's optimized for both search and conversion.

You can optimize your product listing by adding high-quality images, writing compelling headlines, and including relevant keywords.

6. Brand Video Ads

Over the last two years there has been a HUGE move over to video ads. Not all sellers are leveraging this and here is the chance to 'get ahead' of your competition. 

At the moment we are seeing more affordable clicks and higher conversions with Amazon's brand ads.

Brand video ads are a great way to get your brand in front of potential customers. These ads allow you to showcase your products more creatively and engagingly.

We typically suggest building 3 types of video assets;

  • Unboxing
  • How to/Demo
  • Lifestyle Which Includes Brand Story

7. Build Similar Product Ad Groups

Similar product ad groups are a great way to target people interested in a similar product.

For example, if you're selling Christmas trees, you could create an ad group for people interested in Christmas decorations. This way, you can target people who may be interested in your product but have yet to consider it.

By following these Amazon PPC strategies, you'll be able to make the most out of your Christmas traffic and get the most sales possible.

Group of diverse people having a business meeting

How to Create a PPC Campaign for Christmas

If you're new to Amazon PPC or have never run a PPC campaign before, it's important to understand how to create an effective campaign. Here are a few tips:

1. Set a Budget

The first step is to set a budget for your PPC campaign. You'll need to decide how much you're willing to spend on each click, and you'll need to set a daily budget. Remember that your budget will determine the number of clicks you can get, so it's important to set a realistic budget.

2. Choose Keywords

Your next step is to choose keywords for your PPC campaign. You'll want to choose keywords relevant to your products that potential customers are likely to use when searching for your products. You can use Amazon's Keyword Tool to help you find relevant keywords.

3. Create Ads

Once you've chosen your keywords, you'll need to create ads for your PPC campaign. Your ads should be relevant to your keywords and designed to get customers to click through your product listings. You can use Amazon's Advertising Console to create and manage your ads.

4. Target Your Ads

Once you've created your ads, you'll need to target them to the right audience. You can target your ads by keyword, product category, or demographic information.

5. Monitor Your Campaign

Once your PPC campaign is up and running, you'll need to monitor it closely to ensure it's performing well. You can use Amazon's Reporting Console to track your campaign's performance.

6. Optimize Your Campaign

If your PPC campaign could be performing better than it is, you can try optimizing it. You can optimize your campaign by changing your keywords, changing your ads, or changing your targeting.

7. End Your Campaign

When you're ready to end your PPC campaign, you'll need to remove all of your ads from Amazon's advertising platform. You can do this from the Advertising Console.

Following these tips, you can create an effective Amazon PPC campaign for Christmas. By following these tips, you can make the most out of the traffic that comes to your site during the holiday season.


Christmas is a time when online shoppers come out in droves. If you must prepare, your competitors will take all your potential customers and leave you wondering what went wrong.

This year, make sure to put some thought into your Amazon PPC strategy to capitalize on the holiday traffic.

These seven tips should help get you started. Have you tried any of these tactics before? What were the results? Let us know in the comments below!

Ayan Masood
Ayan Masood

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